
“Jesus said to them, ‘I am the bread of life: whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.”

- John 6:35

Would you say you are a content person?

I know when I was younger, I was not very content. I was guilty of filling my time and my life with things other than God. I knew God and I loved God but I was trying to find contentment in the world. As I have grown and matured in my faith, it has become clear to me that thirst and contentment go hand in hand. I have also learned that nothing, and I mean nothing, can alleviate that thirst like God. God is the only thing that can truly satisfy us and will give us permanent and continued contentment. We can teach those we are responsible for that material things, hobbies, people, social media or anything else cannot replace the true contentment we have in God.

All of these other false sources of “water” are only temporary. God gives us the living water we need for a life that is filled with true contentment. 

FaithMarci PriestComment