Welcome to 23 Hayden Place!
Welcome! So happy you found this place that I affectionately call 23 Hayden Place.
God placed this desire in my heart to create a place where mothers or grandmothers could encourage and support younger women raising children. It is my hope that this will be a place for anyone who has influence over a child in their life. Whether you are a young mom, an aunt, a grandparent or a godparent, you will find support and encouragement here. I pray 23 Hayden Place is a spot that can be an encouragement to young moms and anyone who is helping to shepherd children.
Although my own children are adults now, I certainly do not feel that my work is finished and I would love some community and some company as I am still learning and growing in my parenting.
I definitely know that I do not have all the answers. However, I do know and love the One who does. I know that together we can encourage and support one another as we try to raise young people for the glory of God.
Each week I will cover different topics that we can pray for our children or grandchildren, and hopefully we can start some conversations that might encourage and uplift one another. Plus, I thought it would be fun to include some additional lifestyle topics as well.
For some time now I have had a desire to help mentor young moms and encourage my friends that are grandmothers. I wondered how I could go about this, especially since most women have many demands on and a lot of competition for their time. I realized I needed to think differently on how I could accomplish this goal and make it a reality. This desire has morphed into 23 Hayden Place.
It is my hope and desire that this “place” will be a kind corner of the internet. A place where anyone who needs encouragement feels welcome. The internet is not always kind or encouraging, and it is my hope and prayer that at 23 Hayden Place you will feel encouraged and supported.
Besides my own mother, who has prayed for me my whole life, another major influence for me has been Stormie Omartian and her books on praying for your children. I love her books and they have been so helpful to me. In her book the Power of a Praying Parent she says,
“As a parent you will always care about what happens to your children and so you will never stop praying for them, no matter what age they are or where they live. And it is never too late to start praying…The key is not trying to do it all by ourselves all at once, but rather turning to the expert parent of all time-our Father God-for help.”
I pray that 23 Hayden Place is a community where we can gather together and make a concerted effort to lift up our children to God and lift one another up with encouragement and love.
I know we can make this place a kind corner of the internet. I hope you will find your place here.