Our Great God

What is God asking of you right now? Are you facing some challenge in your life that seems insurmountable? I love studying the example of  David and Goliath in scripture. There is something so empowering and comforting to me about this particular scripture.

On one side of a mountain there is a young man named David, a dutiful son, most likely under 20 years of age, tending to his flock and basically minding his own business. 

On the other side of the valley, on another mountain, we know that there  is a great champion of a warrior named Goliath. This guy had a tall physique. There is debate on exactly how tall he was and most scholars believe he was a big, big guy. A much bigger guy than David. Goliath had to be large man to handle the weight of all of the armor he was carrying. He was covered from head to toe in metal possibly weighing anywhere from 150-200 pounds . All of this battle hardware must have been intimidating for sure. In addition to all of this hardware, Goliath had a shield bearer who went in front of him and carried a large rectangular body shield in battle. 

We know from scripture that Goliath would stand and shout at Saul and his army and would taunt them every morning and every evening for 40 days. Yet, Saul was too afraid to take on this warrior. 

Back then it was the responsibility of the soldier’s family to supply food to their relatives in battle. Being the good son that he was, David had left his flock, and went to check on the well-being of his brothers by bringing his brothers a meal on the front lines. When David makes his food delivery he  heard this warrior issuing  a challenge to Saul and his army. It seems David tried to understand why no one had met Goliath’s challenge. A little sibling rivalry bubbles to the surface as his older brother ridicules him for even considering the task at hand.  However, David doesn’t let the taunting keep him from the challenge. 

What started out as a food delivery, turns into something much bigger for David. In 1 Samuel 17:32, David says to Saul

Don’t let anyone be discouraged by him, your servant will go and fight this Philistine.

David was a man focused on faith while Saul was preoccupied with his fears. David looked at this giant of a man from God’s perspective. Tough situations and challenges for us, are really opportunities for faith in God. So with a sling shot and a single stone, David eliminates this Philistine for good. 

There is a Tony Evans quote that I love, that says “God doesn’t need a  lot to do a lot.  All David had was five stones. And all David used was one.” 

God can fill our hearts with the same courage He filled David’s heart. He can help us understand that God is greater than any enemy we may face. He is greater than any  seemingly insurmountable “Goliath” in our lives.

Try to focus on our great and mighty God rather than how large the Goliath’s are in your life. Remember our great “God doesn’t need a lot to do a lot.” Let’s pray that our children are filled with the faith to know that God doesn’t need a lot to do a lot. 

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