New Creation
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, and see, the new has come!
- 2 Corinthians 5:17
I love this verse for the new year! As we all are making resolutions or setting goals for the year, I love what this verse speaks to for all of us. If we are in Christ, we are a new creation. Each year, I try to make some goals. I said only some goals, not many, and they are not lofty. I don’t go crazy, and honestly, I am not great at keeping them. Ever. If there is a difference between a goal and a resolution I am not sure, but I am not great at either. I have no idea why I prefer the word goal over resolution. Maybe it is my short attention span but I am not good about keeping and achieving my goals. Typically, I may do well for a very limited time (and I mean very limited) and then soon I go back to my old habits.
This year, I want to change. I want to be better at the things I let slide when I get busy. Most of all, I want to be consistent about a morning quiet time with God.
While health and taking care of ourselves is important, the most important thing we can do at the beginning of a new year is to be sure we are in spending time with Jesus. I need to make my time with Jesus a focus and a non-negotiable in my mind. My relationship with Jesus is much bigger, much more important, and lasting than a new diet or exercise regime.
Be encouraged! You might slip up a time or two if you are trying to eat a new healthy way or exercise daily, but once you are in Christ, you are a new creation! So how do you achieve that? Just spend time with Him. There are countless resources for us now to spend some time in His word. There are apps and books and devotionals and journals. We all learn and process information differently, so however and whatever works for you to spend time in God’s word, do it! I promise you, it will make your day so much better. When we are better versions of ourselves, we do better for those around us. I can tell my attitude is so different when I ask the Holy Spirit to guide and direct me throughout my day. Or maybe I need help loving someone better, so I ask Him to help me love that person as He loves them. It is amazing to me how much more effective I am with the help of the Holy Spirit. I wonder why I am always amazed by it? I know it works and I know it works wonders.